Click to Disconnect: Overcoming the Allure of Online Shopping and Rediscovering Financial Freedom

With the convenience of online shopping and the influence of social media, breaking the habit can be challenging. Iesha Mulla, a parenting expert and co-founder of Parental Questions, shares her experience of curbing her online shopping habit and the insights she gained.

When Asked Why She Shopped Online and How Often

“In the era of online shopping, I found myself seduced by the convenience and broad array of products available,” Mulla said. She shopped online multiple times a week, driven by the thrill of finding unique items and deals.

When Asked What Caused Her To Stop Shopping Online?

Mulla stopped due to financial concerns and the environmental impact of online shopping. “The main one was the realization of a spiraling financial situation,” she shared. “I was spending beyond my means, often on items that were not essential.”

When Asked How Difficult It Was To Break the Habit of Shopping Online?

“It felt synonymous to battling an addiction,” Mulla admitted. The urge to browse and shop was powerful, but she learned to replace this habit with more constructive activities.

When Asked What Valuable Lessons She Learned?

“Since putting an end to my online shopping habits, I’ve noticed a significant positive impact on my finances,” said Mulla. She learned the value of mindful spending and enjoys more free time for hobbies and personal growth.